
Return on Sustainability

How the ‘value of green’ conversation

is growing up

januari 10, 2022
  • Lori Mabardi
  • Jeremy Kelly
  • Emily Chadwick

The real estate industry will play a crucial role in the fight against climate change

We begin 2022 with the clarity of what is needed to create a sustainable world and with an increased understanding of implications for those who shape the built environment. Accounting for almost 40% of global carbon emissions, the real estate industry will play a crucial role in the fight against climate change.

Read the full report to find out how the ‘green premium’ conversation is shifting to focus on value preservation and risk mitigation. We also look at three new determinants of real estate value: carbon, climate change and health & wellbeing, as well as how building certification schemes can best evolve to better reflect the new sustainability priorities.

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